职 称
电 话
研 究 组
组 员:
研 究 生
- 2002获东北农业大学农学士学位,2005年获东北农业大学农学硕士学位,2009年获中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所理学博士学位。
- 2009-2014年在美国洛克菲勒大学做博士后、研究助理。2015年至今中国农业科学院作物科学研究所。
- 主要从事作物生物学信息和分子聚合育种方面的研究工作。课题组自主研发了多型号的自动化核算提取仪器和高通量高密度的分子标记检测系统,以及多种类型的计算生物学分析工具和组学分析流程,在作物种质资源中鉴定抗逆、优质等重要农艺性状的关键调控基因,并开发分子标记辅助和加速作物精准育种。
- 2015-2020, 中国农科院“青年英才A类计划”
- 中国农业科学院青年英才A类启动经费
- 国家重点研发计划 “主要农作物品质性状形成的分子基础” 子任务
- 国家重点研发计划 “小麦等作物功能基因组研究与应用” 子任务
- 中国农业科学院平台提质增效专项平台技术创新项目
- Lu B, An F, Cao L, Gao Q, Wang X, Yang Y, Liu P, Yang B, Chen T, Li XC, Chen Q, Liu J. Comparative transcriptomics characterized the distinct biosynthetic abilities of terpenoid and paeoniflorin biosynthesis in herbaceous peony strains. PeerJ. 2020 Apr 20;8:e8895. doi: 10.7717/peerj.8895下载
- B. Lu , F. An, L. Cao , Y. Yang , P. Liu , X. Wang , B. Yang , Y. Zhang , Y. Ding , J. Liu, Proteomic Profiling Uncovered the Cytosolic Superoxide Dismutase BsSOD1 Associated with Plant Defense in the Herbal Orchid Bletilla striata, Functional Plant Biology, 2020, online下载
- XM Zheng, J Chen, H B Pang, S Liu, Q Gao, J R Wang, W H Qiao, H Wang, J Liu*, K M Olsen* , QW Yang*, Genome-wide Analyses Reveal the Role of Noncoding Variation in Complex Traits During Rice Domestication,Science Advances, 2019, Dec 18;5(12):eaax3619. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax3619.下载
- X. Yang, Y. Yang, J. Ling, J. Guan, X. Guo, D. Dong, L. Jin, S. Huang, J. Liu*,G. Li*, A high‐throughput BAC‐end analysis protocol (BAC‐anchor) for profiling genome assembly and physical mapping, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13203下载
- Z. Qi, Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. Yu, H. Qin, X. Mao, H. Jiang, D. Xin, Z. Yin, R. Zhu, C. Liu,Y. Wei, X. Hu, X. Wu, Jun L*, Q. Chen*. Meta-analysis and transcriptome profiling reveal hub genes for soybean seed storage composition during seed development. Plant Cell Environ. 2018, 41:2109–2127.下载
- B. Song,S. Di,S. Cui,N. Chen,H. Wang,X. Wang,Q. Gao,G. Tong,H. Wang,X. Huang,L. Ding,Y. Gao,J. Liu* and X. Wang*, Distinct Patterns of PPARγ Promoter Usage, Lipid Degradation Activity, and Gene Expression in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue of Lean and Obese Swine, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19(12), 3892下载
- Shi M, Hu X, Wei Y, Hou X, Yuan X, Liu J*, Liu Y*, Genome-Wide Profiling of Small RNAs and Degradome Revealed Conserved Regulations of miRNAs on Auxin-Responsive Genes during Fruit Enlargement in Peaches, Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Dec 13;18(12).下载
- S.R. Zhang, H. Wang, Z. Wang,Y. Ren, J. Liu* and B. Liu*, Photoperiodism Dynamics during the Domestication and Improvement of Soybean, SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 2017 Dec;60(12):1416-1427.下载
- X. Chua, L. Yang, S. Wang, J. Liu*, H. Yang*, Physiological and metabolic profiles of common reed provide insights into plant adaptation to low nitrogen conditions, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2017, 73(1): 3-10下载
- J. Liu,S. Deng, H. Wang, J. Ye, H.W. Wu, H.X. Sun, N.H.Chua, CURLY LEAF Regulates Gene Sets Coordinating Seed Size and Lipid Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.,Plant Physiology,2016 May;171(1):424-36.下载
- J. Liu ,H. Wang ,N. H. Chua ,Long noncoding RNA transcriptome of plants,Plant Biotechnology Journal,2015,Apr;13(3):319-28下载
- J. Liu ,C. Jung ,J. Xu ,H. Wang,S. Deng,L. Bernad,C. Arenas-Huertero,N. H. Chua,Genome-wide analysis uncovers regulation of long intergenic noncoding RNAs in Arabidopsis,Plant Cell,2012,24(11):4333-45下载