职 称
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研 究 组
- 1998年山东农业大学学士;2001年山东农业大学硕士;2005年中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士。
- 2005年4月至2013年12月在中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所工作,先后担任助理研究员、副研究员,于2008、2010-2012年期间到德国Freiburg大学做访问学者和德国洪堡学者;2014年至今在中国农业科学院作物科学研究所工作,任研究员、博士生导师。
- 2009年入选德国洪堡学者;2010年获中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖;2011年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员;2015年获中国农业科学院“青年英才计划”择优支持; 2016年度金龙鱼农业科学青年英才奖。
- 1. 中国农业科学院科技创新工程 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 3. 国家自然科学基金重大项目 4. 北京市自然科学基金项目 5. 转基因生物新品种培育重大专项 6. 国家重点研发“七大作物育种”专项
- Dong H.*, Li D.*, Yang R., Zhang L., Zhang Y., Liu X., Kong X.# and Sun J.# (2023) GSK3 phosphorylates and regulates the Green Revolution protein Rht-B1b to reduce plant height in wheat. Plant Cell DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koad090下载
- Dong C.*, Zhang L.*, Zhang Q., Yang Y., Li D., Xie Z., Cui G., Chen Y., Wu L., Li Z., Liu G., Zhang X., Liu C., Chu J., Zhao G., Xia C., Jia J., Sun J.#, Kong X.# and Liu X.# (2023) Tiller Number1 encodes an ankyrin repeat protein that controls tillering in bread wheat. Nature Communications 14(1):836.下载
- Liu J.*, Xia C.*, Dong H., Liu P., Yang R., Zhang L., Liu X., Jia J., Kong X.# and Sun J.# (2022) Wheat Male sterile 2 reduces the ROS levels to inhibit anther development by deactivating ROS modulator 1. Molecular Plant doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2022.07.010下载
- He G.*, Liu J.*, Dong H.*, and Sun J.# (2019) The blue light receptor CRY1 interacts with BZR1 and BIN2 to modulate the phosphorylation and nuclear function of BZR1 in repressing BR signaling in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 12(5):689-703.下载
- Yang Z.*, Yan B.*, Dong H., He G., Zhou Y., and Sun J.# (2020) BIC1 acts as a transcriptional coactivator to promote brassinosteroid signaling and plant growth. EMBO Journal下载
- Zhang L.*, He G.*, Li Y.*, Yang Z., Liu T., Xie X.#, Kong X.# and Sun J.# (2022) Transcription factors PILs directly interact with SPLs and repress tillering/branching in plants. New Phytologist 233(3):1414-1425.下载
- He G., Zhang Y., Liu P., Jing Y., Zhang L., Zhu Y., Kong X., Zhao H.#, Zhou Y.# and Sun J.# (2021) The transcription factor TaLAX1 interacts with Q to antagonistically regulate wheat domestication traits. New Phytologist 230: 988-1002.下载
- Ju L.*, Jing Y.*, Shi P., Liu J., Chen J., Yan J., Chu J., Chen K.M. #, and Sun J. # (2019) JAZ proteins modulate seed germination through interacting with ABI5 in bread wheat and Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 223: 246-260.下载
- Liu P.*, Liu J.*, Dong H.* and Sun J. # (2018) Functional regulation of Q by microRNA172 and transcriptional co-repressor TOPLESS in controlling bread wheat spikelet density. Plant Biotechnology Journal 16:495-506.下载
- Dong H., Yan S., Liu J., Liu P. and Sun J.# (2019) TaCOLD1 defines a new regulator of plant height in bread wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal 17: 687–699.下载
- Yan B.*, Yang Z.*, He G., Jing Y., Dong H., Ju L., Zhang Y., Zhu Y., Zhou Y.# and Sun J.# (2021) The blue light receptor CRY1 interacts with GID1 and DELLA proteins to repress gibberellin signaling and plant growth. Plant Communications 2, 100245.下载
- Liu J.*, Cheng X.*, Liu P., Li D., Chen T., Gu X. and Sun J.# (2017) MicroRNA319-regulated TCPs interact with FBHs and PFT1 to activate CO transcription and control flowering time in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics 13(5):e1006833.下载
- Liu J.*, Cheng X.*, Liu P. and Sun J.# (2017) miR156-targeted SBP-Box transcription factors interact with DWARF53 to regulate TEOSINTE BRANCHED1 and BARREN STALK1 expression in bread wheat. Plant Physiology 174:1931-1948.下载
- Liu J., Zhang T., Jia J. and Sun J.# (2016) The wheat Mediator subunit TaMED25 interacts with the transcription factor TaEIL1 to negatively regulate disease resistance against powdery mildew. Plant Physiology 170: 1799–1816.下载
- Liu X.*, Yang X.*, Xie Q., Miao H., Bo K., Dong S., Xin T., Gu X.#, Sun J.# and Zhang S.# (2022) NS encodes an auxin transporter that regulates the ‘numerous spines’ trait in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) fruit. Plant Journal 110(2):325-336.下载
- 7. Tai L., Wang H.J., Xu X.J., Sun W.H., Ju L., Liu W.T., Li W.Q., Sun J. # and Chen K.M.# (2021) Cereal pre-harvest sprouting: a global agricultural disaster regulated by complex genetic and biochemical mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Botany 72: 2857-2876.下载
- Kong W.*, Wang L.*,#, Cao P., Li X., Ji J., Dong P., Yan X., Wang C., Wang H., and Sun J.# (2020) Identification and genetic analysis of EMS-mutagenized wheat mutants conferring lesion-mimic premature aging. BMC Genetics 21:88下载
- He G.*, Liu P.*, Zhao H.#, and Sun J.# (2020) The HD-ZIP II transcription factors regulate plant architecture through the auxin pathway. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21: 3250.下载
- Jing Y.*, Liu J.*, Liu P.*, Ming D., and Sun J. # (2019) Overexpression of TaJAZ1 increases powdery mildew resistance through promoting reactive oxygen species accumulation in bread wheat. Scientific Reports 9(1):5691.下载
- Dong H.*, Liu J.*, He G.*, Liu P., and Sun J. # (2019) Photoexcited phytochrome B interacts with BZR1 to repress brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis. JIPB doi:10.1111/jipb.12822.下载
- Dong H.*, Yan S.*, Jing Y., Yang R., Zhang Y., Zhou Y., Zhu Y. and Sun J. (2021) MIR156-targeted SPL9 is phosphorylated by SnRK2s and interacts with ABI5 to enhance ABA responses in Arabidopsis. Front. Plant Sci. 12:708573.下载
- 王黎明*,杨瑞珍*,孙加强.(2022) 油菜素内酯调控作物农艺性状和非生物胁迫响应的研究进展.生物工程学报. 38(1): 34-49.下载
- 发明人:孙加强、荆叶醒、刘杰 发明名称:一种小麦白粉病抗性基因及其应用 专利号:ZL201810538244.3 授权日期:2021年1月15日
- 发明人:孙加强、董慧雪、刘杰 发明名称:一个小麦株型调控基因及其应用 专利号:201810538188.3 授权日期:2021年2月9日
- 发明人:孙加强、刘杰 发明名称:miR156及其前体在调控小麦分蘖数中的应用 专利号:ZL201710239503.8 授权日期:2020年9月1日